Sunday, November 7, 2010

Colombia Huila-Monserrate

Producer Dario Anaya's Micro-Lot in Colombia Huila-Monserrate is the sweet ripe cherry atop the absurdist day-dream we all seem to share. Where camels carry liquid caramel, tap-dancing is the most efficient way to cross the street, & it's always time for a massage. Where Rumpelstiltskin & John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidth finally conquer all the paperwork & wed, in what will be known as the most elegant & playful celebration of love experienced by humanity. Where acne doesn't exist, & inanimate objects have the wittiest of retorts - always to brighten the day. This is where our Micro-Lot lives.

A floral cup of vanilla & cherry, apricot brightness, and nutty sass. Medium body, clean finish, she doesn't ask much in return.

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