Thursday, November 20, 2008


hey Neptuners,

I've been negligent in raising money for 826 Seattle for their annual mustache-a-thon.

So I've added a link to my for anyone that would like to donate for my amazing 'stache.

Mustache ID Table

Monday, September 29, 2008

BEST Coffee Shop in Western Washington.

Best of Western Washington Nominated: Best Coffee Shop in Seattle


We've been nominated for the best coffee shop in western Washington. So jump over and vote for us! I think we're #46 right now...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Travel Mugs...

The day you've all been waiting for!

Neptune Coffee travel mugs are here..

16oz of sleek, sexy molded plastic in your hot little hands.

$15 for the mug, and you get a free drink out of the deal too.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Mugs! Get 'em while they're hot?

Sweet new mugs. For the lowish price of 9 bones, you too can have a small piece of Neptune.

Open Mic Thursdays with Colt and/or Jim

What more needs to be said about this? It's an open mic, 8p - Midnight ish. Colt and or Jim will be hosting it. Amazing night and great music.

Twin Peaks and Coffee.

From Patrick G.

Twin Peaks and Coffee

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Stitch and b*word night - Wednesdays.

Howdy loyal Neptunites.

We have a treat for anyone that likes yarn based products. or drinking wine a little cheaper than normal.

For the 1st group, we're proud to have greenwood's 1st ever Stitch and B*word night. Bring down your yarn-knotting device of choice and enjoy $1 off glasses of wine all night long.

If you fall into the second group, bring some yarn or just an old sweater to unravel (or even show up and I'm sure you can borrow yarn) and pretend to yarn while enjoying $1 off glasses of wine.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Random post #1

Hi out there to the 14 people that read this. Today I'm just going to post something random that I've really been into listening to.

Deborah and Jesse are already sick of it, but I can't get enough of it.

It's a song by TMBG called "Never go to work"

Monday, July 21, 2008

Seattle Magazine also loves Neptune

Check us out in Seattle Magazine.

"or head to Neptune Coffee (8415 Greenwood Ave. N;, where owners Deborah and Dan Baumfeld serve up steaming mugs of Stumptown coffee and yummy sandwiches from Salumi."

Friday, June 27, 2008

People love us on Yelp

See! That little sticker down there says so.

Check it out

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sandwich Board, New

Our sad little sandwich board finally got an update thanks to the skillful designs of Jerry down at Decalco Productions. So the next time you're in the 'hood looking for a place where you can see an posterized Russian lady shouting "Neptune" you know where to look.

New Bamboo

After a busy month plus I've got the ol' itch to create. So with the help of architect extrordinare Fred S. and his sidekick miles we created a bamboo wilderness in the back of Neptune. You can often find me behind it drinking a cup of my favorite-of-late coffee the Ethiopian Misty Valley.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Neptune Coffee in the News.

This just crossed my desk (virtual if you will), The Amazing Kyle Larson from Stumptown was featured in an KIRO7 TV spot called iWitness video (Stumptown: There's A New Bean In Town). Watch him speak about Stumptown's coffee making methodologies wearing the finest in Neptune Coffee wear. This was all set up by Neptune's own Jill 'fingers in oh so many pies' Zawatski.

Take a look

Monday, January 7, 2008

Silkscreening @ neptune.

Thanks to all the people who came out to make the silkscreening event with bherd studios last friday. A great time was had by all, we had two different designs going on for shirts: The ouiji board neptune coffee design, and the dual fish bherd design.

As a quick reminder to all those that made shirts, remember to set the design by covering the design with a couple sheets of regular paper and ironing on high for 3 minutes.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Free coffee..sort of.

As a small business owner, we're always looking for odds and ends. If anyone has any of the items here, and they are expendable to you contact me. ( )

- Laptop cd drive (There was some sort of accident with throwing stars, I can't really remember. Also sake was involved.)
- Sweet vintage couches for the back.
