Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Disloyalty 'Spresso

Perched high-and-mighty in our Single Origin Grinder sits Velton's Coffee's very fine and very sassy Panama Boquete Volcancito.

Cultivated between 1,600 - 1,700 meters, grown in the Volcancito sub-region of Boquete, Panama, this espresso is silky sweet like your first kiss. Mandarin orange sweetness resonating through its cedar depths and creamy prune finish, washing over your tongue with the rewarding witticisms of Groucho Marx. This espresso only gets better with age.

We've been pulling Velton's Panama after four days of post-roast rest, all the way until its 12th, and I've got to admit: this profile only develops, strengthens, and elongates with time. The complexity of this 'spro can be appreciated with varying experiences every day of the... fortnight.

Take it neat, or in a 4oz Americano, it'll be damn sweet. Speaking frankly, the only thing that might enhance this palette, is if Velton would give all of us his super fine Bonsai Tree Tee.

No, really. Hint-hint, Velton.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Colombia Huila-Monserrate

Producer Dario Anaya's Micro-Lot in Colombia Huila-Monserrate is the sweet ripe cherry atop the absurdist day-dream we all seem to share. Where camels carry liquid caramel, tap-dancing is the most efficient way to cross the street, & it's always time for a massage. Where Rumpelstiltskin & John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidth finally conquer all the paperwork & wed, in what will be known as the most elegant & playful celebration of love experienced by humanity. Where acne doesn't exist, & inanimate objects have the wittiest of retorts - always to brighten the day. This is where our Micro-Lot lives.

A floral cup of vanilla & cherry, apricot brightness, and nutty sass. Medium body, clean finish, she doesn't ask much in return.